Automate Document Delivery with DocLink Output Manager

One of the most tedious and mundane—yet necessary—tasks in any office is collecting and distributing paperwork. Even with an increasing number of digital tools (think email and PDFs), somebody still has to create that email and attach that PDF. Enter DocLink Output Manager, an automated document delivery tool that gets the word out, automatically.
What is DocLink Output Manager?
Output Manager automatically distributes documents to your internal and external business partners based on pre-configured routing lists you create. Any document that has been captured, indexed and stored in DocLink is eligible for distribution. The documents can come from your ERP, CRM, HR or any other software. The routing lists you create dictate who gets what documents, when they get them and what format they arrive in.
How DocLink Output Manager Works
When Output Manager receives notification that a new document has been processed, it reviews your routing lists for any instructions regarding this document type, and if found, it distributes the documents to the individual recipients. The information can be sent in a variety of ways, including email, fax or FTP—and in a variety of formats, including PDF, XML and HTML.
What Makes It Really Cool
While it’s pretty handy to have an automated document delivery tool, Output Manager adds in lots of extra functionality that make it really cool. For example, you can create cover sheet templates for each document type, using “tokens” that are replaced with actual document data during delivery. This means you can include a friendly note like this when you send an order acknowledgement, “Hi customer name, we have received your order 12345 in the amount of $100.00 and will let you know when it ships!”
Another cool feature is that you can include multiple documents as part of the delivery. For example, your terms and conditions document that goes out with every purchase order.
Documents can also be instantly distributed, use a scheduled output or use triggered routing based on other actions. As an example, the order acknowledgement distribution could be sent only once the customer PO is received.
Ways to Use It
If you routinely distribute documents, you’ll find value in DocLink. Share purchase orders with vendors; send picking tickets to remote/third-party warehouses; send order confirmations, statements and invoices to customers; include safety documents (MSDS) with shipping documents—the uses are nearly limitless.
Output Manager can be added to your DocLink solution at any time. Contact us with your questions or to see a live demo.