Late Summer Bounty — What’s New in Sage Intacct 2021 Release 3

Late summer heralds the delivery of the third quarter release of Sage Intacct, and like the summer, it holds the promise of great things. There are dozens of new features, and we’ve picked a few of our favorites here. Contact us for a complete list of what’s new in Sage Intacct 2021 Release 3.
Dashboards Drive Productivity
Dashboards are a quick, visual way to centralize and share important information, and Sage Intacct’s latest release includes several new dashboard features. One key feature is billboard-style messaging right on your dashboard. The name says it all — an “in your face” announcement about something important related to a particular process, function, or task.
A new attachments feature provides the ability to add documents or files to a particular dashboard for speedy access. Plus, a new custom navigation feature lets users access a particular menu, such as General Ledger or AR Sales Invoices with one simple click, all from the dashboard.
Outlier Detection Catches Anomalies
Catching mistakes before they happen saves time. Release 3 includes improved outlier detection to help identify anomalies in your data. Using machine learning, the program calls your attention to data that may require your attention during the GL approval process.
In-Transit Warehouse
This new feature allows you to track inventory as it moves between warehouses. Sage added a new “in-transit” type of warehouse transfer. The transfer removes the item from the “from” warehouse, identifies it as “in transit” to the new warehouse, and once received, it becomes “on hand” at the “to” warehouse.
Secure PDFs
Security is on everyone’s mind, and this new feature adds a valuable security option. You can designate templates as “Secure PDF,” and when a PDF is generated from the template, it is locked down.
Enhanced Bank Feed Matching Options
Currently, you can only group transactions that were initiated in Sage Intacct. This release adds the ability to group bank transactions too. It’s a more automated way of matching transactions in your bank reconciliation meaning less time spent looking for those single bank transactions which, when posted into Sage Intacct, were grouped together as one.
Another new feature to speed matching is flexible text. This dynamic way of matching text is great for automatically matching items from your bank’s description of a transaction or a particular transaction ID.
Sage Intacct’s quarterly release schedule helps you build long-term value from your financial management solution. Each release contains major and more minor enhancements — many of which were sparked from customer suggestions. Is there something you’d like to see in an upcoming release? Contact us with your ideas, questions, or to see a complete list of what’s new in Sage Intacct 2021 R3.